- 60 ml Gin
- 30 ml Lemon Juice
- 30 ml Honey Syrup
- 15 ml Orange Juice
Process: Shake everything with ice and strain into glass.
Delicious. I used a 2:1 honey syrup. You can taste the honey and the orange. Slightly more syrup than most recipes I have seen, but I don’t feel it’s too sweet.
Other recipe (Needs adjusting):
- 5cl Gin
- 3cl Lemon Juice
- 2cl Acacia Honey
- 1cl Simple Syrup
- 1 egg white
IDEA: Try the other recipe with egg white and see if it’s equally good.
Attempt 3

- 60 ml Gin
- 30 ml Lemon Juice
- 30 ml Honey Syrup
- 15 ml Orange Juice
Attempt 1 & 2

- 60 ml/40 ml Dry Gin
- 22.5 ml Lemon Juice
- 15 ml Honey Syrup
- 10 ml Orange Juice
Double up on everything to fill rock glass. Was way too boozy. 120 ml gin in one glass is just too much.
Tried again with 80 ml Gin (again a double up) and it was much better. A bit sour. That could be because of the lemons.
Next time, maybe try to add a bit more syrup to counter the sourness better (or make a sweeter syrup - maybe the honey I used isn’t suited for the 64g/100g ratio)